for teams
Here you can find the detailed schedules for the event days Thursday (May 17), Friday (May 18) and Saturday (May 19) as well as an overview schedule sorted by team.
Please note: Changes may occur. The final and valid schedules will be available for you at the event.
- FLL Open Invitational 2018_programm_17-5-2018.pdf (58.6 KiB)
- FLL Open Invitational 2018_programm_18-5-2018.pdf (81.1 KiB)
- FLL Open Invitational 2018_programm_19-5-2018.pdf (52.7 KiB)
- FLL Open Invitational 2018_programm_18_19-5-2018_by team.pdf (514.7 KiB)
- FLL Open Invitational 2018_team list.pdf (135.1 KiB)