Benefits & Opportunities
On this page Benefits Opportunities

Sponsorship benefits
Sponsoring the FIRST® LEGO® League Open Invitational Central Europe 2018 is an excellent and unique opportunity for your organisation to promote your brand and position your company as a showcase example within the sector of youth education and STEM promotion.
With your commitment you will support a 4-day event where 68 teams with over 600 children (9-16 years) from all over the world present their skills in the field of science, technology, robotics and computer programming.
These are the benefits of your support:
- Meet more than 600 young people as well as over 350 teachers mentors and adult supporters who are interested and skilled in the field of science and technology.
- Demonstrate engineering as a career choice and the role of your organisation within the STEM sector.
- Have an exhibition stand at the event to present your organisation.
- Advertise your company logo on the event website and on associated marketing material.

Sponsorship opportunities
There are several options of supporting the FIRST® LEGO® League Open Invitational Central Europe 2018.
We offer 3 different sponsorship packages which range from a support amount of 1,500-10,000 Euro.
Besides those packages you can also choose additional sponsoring opportunities and help us with specific aspects o the event such as:
- the Welcome Party
- the Team Party
- Breakfast for all volunteers throughout the event
- Waterbottles for all participants
Please email info@fllopen.org to discuss your sponsorship in detail.